Find out all about the IAPP certifications: Registration, Training, Exams and support provided by ALLNET Law.
The CIPP/E, CIPM and CIPT all have 90 questions and 2.5 hours to complete.
Exam scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly. The minimum number of correct answers necessary to pass is determined our Exam Development Boards and Certification Advisory Boards, and varies by exam. Our boards determine this number based on the minimum level of knowledge that candidates should have, in order to be considered qualified in their respective fields.
Scores are shared via email.
The IAPP does not provide test takers with the number of questions they answered correctly. However, you are provided with a section breakdown after the completion of your exam, which indicates the percentage of your correct answers per each blueprint domain. Candidates who fail can use this information to determine which domains they need to focus on when studying for a retake exam. Please note, however, that an overall score cannot be determined by averaging these percentages, as blueprint domains do not count equally on the exams. (For example, a domain that has 25 questions will count more toward your overall score than a domain that has only 5 questions)
No. While the desire to review incorrect answers is understandable, IAPP exam questions are considered secure material, and cannot be distributed outside of the testing environment. This policy is meant to ensure the integrity of our exams by preventing content from being circulated.
With computer-based testing, you are given your results immediately after completing the exam. You will also be sent an e-mail with your results.
Training is one step you can take to learn material covered on the exams (especially because training and exams are based on the same topic outline—what we call a “body of knowledge”), but be aware that courses are not purely test prep, nor does taking training guarantee you’ll pass your exam. Why not? IAPP’s certifications are ANSI accredited under the ISO standard—an international mark of quality and rigor. To maintain accreditation, ISO requires a separation between the IAPP’s certification and training departments. This means that while our training developers and instructors know which topics will be covered on an exam, they cannot see the tests or answer questions about whether a specific item will be on a given exam.
To maintain the credential(s) in good standing, the holder must meet the minimum CPE requirements and pay their maintenance fee or membership dues. If the credential holder fails in either of these obligations, the credential will be considered suspended, and the holder must undergo the process of reinstatement in order to restore their credentials to active status.
CPE credits for IAPP Events and Webinars will be automatically added to the certified individual’s account. For all other activities, certified individuals are required to self-report using the CPE Submission Form, accessible through your IAPP account. From the Certifications tab on your IAPP account, you are able to manage your CPE submissions, read the certification terms, and keep track of your credits.For more information on eligible CPE credits, refer to the list in our CPE Policy and be sure to visit CPE Central.
Yes. if you currently hold an IAPP certification, any additional first-time certification exams will receive a discounted price of $375.
For general information, download The IAPP Certification Candidate Handbook
For information on our certifications, please find that here.
Refer to our Body of Knowledge or Blueprint for each certification program, here
Look through our list of Authoritative Resources for additional study materials, here.
Need textbooks or training? You can find those here.
For IAPP Continuing Education information, please read through the CPE Policy.
For general IAPP certification questions, feel free to email us at
The CIPP/E and CIPM exams have been translated into French and German. While taking these exams, an IAPP developed word to word translation dictionary will be available on the screen throughout the exam as a resource.
No outside word to word translation dictionaries are allowed within the testing centre’s for exam security. The allotted time of the exams has taken into consideration non-native English speaker needs.
To purchase the CIPM or CIPP/E exam in French or German, please visit the Certification section of the IAPP Store.